The Voyage of a New Culinary Sensation Begins
/The exquisite entrance to Li Feng. Photography by Mandarin Oriental Jakarta.
We are proud to be involved in constructing this brand. Introducing Li Feng, a fine dining culinary experience in Mandarin Oriental Jakarta.
Li Feng Jakarta, is the new gastronomy space to savor authentic Cantonese delights made contemporary. Surround yourself in decadence, immersed in classical and contemporary ambience. Wood lattice and jade fabrics surround, while and engraved glass panel tells the historical journey of trade and spices. Delight in culinary adventures with cantonese gourmet, beginning with savory dim sum to rich proteins from the sea, masterfully crafted and presented by Chef Fei, the celebrity chef from Guangzhou, China. Li Feng is indeed beauty in abundance, and sure not to miss.